C Program to Read an Array and Display Its Value & Address Using Array Itself as a Pointer

Question: write a program in C to read an array containing n elements and display value and address of each element using array name itself as a pointer.

C Source Code: Read & Display Array Using Array Itself Pointer

When using array name itself as a pointer, note that array name always holds the address of first element in the array. In the following program, array name arr is equivalent to &arr[0]. So array name is considered as indirect pointer.


int main()
    int arr[100], i, n;

    printf("How many numbers to read? (< 100): ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    /* Reading array using array itself as a pointer */
    printf("Enter %d numbers:\n", n);
    for(i=0;i< n;i++)
        printf("arr[%d] = ", i);
        scanf("%d", (arr+i));

    /* Displaying array content */
    printf("Array content read from user is: \n");
    for(i=0;i< n;i++)
        printf(" Value = %d\t Address = %u\n", *(arr+i), (arr+i));

    return 0;


The output of the above program is:

How many numbers to read? (< 100): 5
Enter 5 numbers:
arr[0] = 11
arr[1] = 22
arr[2] = 33
arr[3] = 44
arr[4] = 55
Array content read from user is:
 Value = 11      Address = 6421632
 Value = 22      Address = 6421636
 Value = 33      Address = 6421640
 Value = 44      Address = 6421644
 Value = 55      Address = 6421648