Bisection Method C++ Program (with Output)

Table of Contents

This program implements Bisection Method for finding real root of nonlinear function in C++ programming language.

In this C++ program, x0 & x1 are two initial guesses, e is tolerable error, f(x) is actual function whose root is being obtained using bisection method and x is variable which holds and bisected value at each iteration.

C++ Source Code: Bisection Method


 Defining equation to be solved.
 Change this equation to solve another problem.

#define f(x) cos(x) - x * exp(x)

using namespace std;

int main()
	 /* Declaring required variables */
	 float x0, x1, x, f0, f1, f, e;
	 int step = 1;

	 /* Setting precision and writing floating point values in fixed-point notation. */
     cout<< setprecision(6)<< fixed;

	 /* Inputs */
	 cout<<"Enter first guess: ";
     cout<<"Enter second guess: ";
     cout<<"Enter tolerable error: ";

	 /* Calculating Functional Value */
	 f0 = f(x0);
	 f1 = f(x1);

	 /* Checking whether given guesses brackets the root or not. */
	 if( f0 * f1 > 0.0)
		  cout<<"Incorrect Initial Guesses."<< endl;
		  goto up;
   /* Implementing Bisection Method */
     cout<< endl<<"****************"<< endl;
	 cout<<"Bisection Method"<< endl;
	 cout<<"****************"<< endl;
		  /* Bisecting Interval */
		  x = (x0 + x1)/2;
		  f = f(x);

		  cout<<"Iteration-"<< step<<":\t x = "<< setw(10)<< x<<" and f(x) = "<< setw(10)<< f(x)<< endl;

		  if( f0 * f < 0)
			   x1 = x;
			   x0 = x;
		  step = step + 1;

	 cout<< endl<< Root is: "<<  x<< endl;

	 return 0;

Bisection Method C++ Program Output

Enter first guess: 0
Enter second guess: 1
Enter tolerable error: 0.00001

Bisection Method
Iteration-1:     x =   0.500000 and f(x) =   0.053222
Iteration-2:     x =   0.750000 and f(x) =  -0.856061
Iteration-3:     x =   0.625000 and f(x) =  -0.356691
Iteration-4:     x =   0.562500 and f(x) =  -0.141294
Iteration-5:     x =   0.531250 and f(x) =  -0.041512
Iteration-6:     x =   0.515625 and f(x) =   0.006475
Iteration-7:     x =   0.523438 and f(x) =  -0.017362
Iteration-8:     x =   0.519531 and f(x) =  -0.005404
Iteration-9:     x =   0.517578 and f(x) =   0.000545
Iteration-10:    x =   0.518555 and f(x) =  -0.002427
Iteration-11:    x =   0.518066 and f(x) =  -0.000940
Iteration-12:    x =   0.517822 and f(x) =  -0.000197
Iteration-13:    x =   0.517700 and f(x) =   0.000174
Iteration-14:    x =   0.517761 and f(x) =  -0.000012
Iteration-15:    x =   0.517731 and f(x) =   0.000081
Iteration-16:    x =   0.517746 and f(x) =   0.000035
Iteration-17:    x =   0.517754 and f(x) =   0.000011
Iteration-18:    x =   0.517757 and f(x) =  -0.000000

Root is: 0.517757