Fixed Point Iteration Method Using C++ with Output


/* Program: Finding real roots of nonlinear
   equation using Fixed Point Iteration
   Author: CodeSansar
   Date: November 18, 2018 */
/* Header Files */

/* Define function f(x) which
   is to be solved */
#define   f(x)   cos(x)-3*x+1
/* Write f(x) as x = g(x) and
   define g(x) here */
#define   g(x)   (1+cos(x))/3

using namespace std;

int main()
	 int step=1, N;
	 float x0, x1, e;

	/* Setting precision and writing floating point values in fixed-point notation. */
	 cout<< setprecision(6)<< fixed;
	 /* Inputs */
	 cout<<"Enter initial guess: ";

	 cout<<"Enter tolerable error: ";

	 cout<<"Enter maximum iteration: ";

	 /* Implementing Fixed Point Iteration */
	 cout<< endl<<"**************************"<< endl;
	 cout<<"Fixed Point Iteration Method"<< endl;
	 cout<<"**************************"<< endl;
		  x1 = g(x0);
		  cout<<"Iteration-"<< step<<":\t x1 = "<< setw(10)<< x1<<" and f(x1) = "<< setw(10)<< f(x1)<< endl;

		  step = step + 1;

			   cout<<"Not Convergent.";

		  x0 = x1;

	 }while( fabs(f(x1)) > e);

	 cout<< endl<<"Root is "<< x1;



Enter initial guess: 1
Enter tolerable error: 0.000001
Enter maximum iteration: 10

Fixed Point Iteration Method
Iteration-1:     x1 =   0.513434 and f(x1) =   0.330761
Iteration-2:     x1 =   0.623688 and f(x1) =  -0.059333
Iteration-3:     x1 =   0.603910 and f(x1) =   0.011391
Iteration-4:     x1 =   0.607707 and f(x1) =  -0.002162
Iteration-5:     x1 =   0.606986 and f(x1) =   0.000411
Iteration-6:     x1 =   0.607124 and f(x1) =  -0.000078
Iteration-7:     x1 =   0.607098 and f(x1) =   0.000015
Iteration-8:     x1 =   0.607102 and f(x1) =  -0.000003
Iteration-9:     x1 =   0.607102 and f(x1) =   0.000001

Root is 0.607102

Recommended Readings

  1. Fixed Point Iteration Method Algorithm
  2. Fixed Point Iteration Method Pseudocode
  3. Fixed Point Iteration Method Using C Programming
  4. Fixed Point Iteration Method Using C++
  5. Fixed Point Iteration (Iterative) Method Online Calculator